Finding SOMthing Special

“You’ll be working for me one day!” Ali would always say this to me when I was a student at Space of Mind (SOM), and I always thought she was talking crazy. Little did I know just 6 years later that her statement would actually come true. I’ve been part of the SOM community in many different ways, as a student, an alumni, and as a coach.

When I started here at SOM, I was in a place where I was self-conscious, didn’t know my worth, and fought with everyone in sight. I even got the nickname Evil Emily! But I also knew that there was something special in me that I just couldn’t figure out yet. In retrospect, I wasn’t evil, I was a good kid with a good mind and I just hadn’t learned to appreciate my full capabilities.

One day a switch flipped inside of me, and I just sort of realized what I had at my disposal; a great mentor in Ali, a space where my art and my mind could run wild, and a spectacular amount of support around me. I started to thrive in all aspects of my life, and really have to give SOM credit for helping me find my path.

The transition from student to coach has quite possibly been the greatest thing thathas happened to me. SOM is exactly where I am meant to be. I’m so grateful to be given the opportunity to teach young kids about the things that I love. I fully realize everything SOM is now and the potential it has. It has shown me what real happiness is, what potential I have, and has given me the confidence that younger Emily always wanted.

All I want to do now is help every kid in the SOM community understand what amazing people we all are and the growth that is possible when you are a part of this team!

Thank you for everything Space of Mind, you have given me so much in the past 10 years, I can’t wait to see where we go together!

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